Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Indonesian Navy establishes new base, deploys near disputed lighthouse

Jakarta (MI) : The Indonesian Navy (Tentera Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Laut: TNI-AL) will establish a new naval base at Tanjung Datu, West Kalimantan on Borneo Island.
Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI) commander General Moeldoko told reporters on 26 May that construction of the base is being expedited in light of escalating tensions in the South China Sea and an emerging dispute with Malaysia over the construction of a lighthouse.

According to the TNI-AL, six Malaysian ships, including a Royal Malaysian Navy vessel, attempted to construct a lighthouse in disputed waters off the Kalimantan coast on 19 May. Malaysia halted construction works on 22 May after official protests were made by the Indonesian government.

"Besides, the situation in the South China Sea also has the potential to escalate and affect Indonesia," said Gen Moeldoko. "Either Natuna or Tanjung Datu will be most impacted should the situation deteriorate."
Gen Moeldoko told media that the proposed naval base will have an airstrip and host an infantry unit of the Indonesian Armed Forces. No details on the size of the unit or airstrip were given.

While the naval base is being established, the TNI-AL will deploy three vessels, the Kakap-class offshore patrol vessel KRI Barakuda , Todak-class guided missile attack craft KRI Lemadang and Kapitan Pattimura (Parchim I)-class corvette Sutedi Senoputra to patrol the waters near Tanjung Datu as an interim measure.

News of the establishment comes on the back of a report by IHS Jane's on 9 May on the upgrade of provincial naval base at Pontianak, also in West Kalimantan, to the status of a district naval base and paving the way for more naval assets in the area.

Indonesia is not a claimant party in ongoing territorial disputes in the South China Sea. However Beijing's unilaterally-declared 'nine-dashed-line' overlaps with Jakarta's claim to an exclusive economic zone in the Natuna Islands region.

Sumber : Janes

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