Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Indonesia Building Fleet of Flanker Fighters

China reportedly has signed a deal for 24 single-seat multi-role Sukoi Su-35s. Deliveries are expected to begin in 2015.

Jakarta (MI) : This March, Anatoly Isaikin, director general at Rosoboronexport, announced that Indonesia had placed a follow-on order for six more Sukhoi Su-30MK2 twin-seat multi-role fighters. The deal also includes an unspecified number of Saturn AL-31F engines and other equipment needed to keep the growing Indonesian Flanker fleet intact. To facilitate further sales to Jakarta, the Kremlin-controlled VEB Bank provided the Indonesian finance ministry with an export credit facility worth $399.5 million for a seven-year term.

Following the delivery of new aircraft in February, the Indonesian air force’s current Sukhoi fleet comprises 12 aircraft: two Su-27SKs, three Su-27SKMs, two Su-30MKs and five Su-30MK2s. Four more Su-30MK2s are expected by year-end. Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin, deputy defense minister, was quoted as saying Indonesia plans to have a full squadron of 16 Sukhoi Su-27/30 fighters by the end of this year. Earlier, his colleagues voiced Jakarta’s ultimate intent to form 10 Sukhoi fighter squadrons comprising 180 aircraft within the next 15 to 20 years.

Victor Komardin, Rosoboronexport deputy director general, told the media at LIMA 2013 that Indonesian officials have asked Russia to create a joint center for repair and maintenance of Sukhoi fighters, and Mil Mi-17 and Mi-35 helicopters in Indonesia. He believes the agreement could be signed before the planned rotation of the armed forces chiefs in the second half of the year. After the rotation, Russian salesmen expect resumption of negotiations on follow-on orders for the Su-30MK2, and even more advanced Su-35s, as well as other weapons on the Indonesian wish list.

Sumber : ainonline

1 comment:

  1. PT DI kalau bisa hrs cepat tanggap utk melihat prospek , dg datangnya pesawat2 rusia utk menyekolahkan kerusia utk memperdalam keahlian permesinan sukhoi dan kalau bisa membuka tempat reparasi maupun simulator sukhoi. Merdeka....
